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We were delighted to see attendees from all corners of the globe join PebblePad Founder Shane Sutherland to explore real-world examples of how universities can successfully scaffold learning journeys at scale and make a meaningful and lasting difference to student success. You'll find resources related to the webinar below. Enjoy.


If you missed the live broadcast or would like to watch it again, you'll find the full recording below.


If you're short on time (but big on great ideas), we've created a short summary of the webinar. The publication focuses on five key things we learnt from Shane in the webinar.

Webinar Summary (PDF)

In the webinar Shane demonstrated how PebblePad offers tools that extend far beyond its portfolio-building capability to support even the most ambitious of pedagogical wish lists. If you'd like to learn more about how this works in practice, then our Learning Journey Platform Guide, which includes twelve examples of customer practice, is a must-read. The button below will direct you to the free download.

Download the guide

If you're short on time but looking for big inspiration, then our PebbleVision Channel would be a great place to start. Featuring examples inspired by dozens of universities across the globe, each video features a teaching, learning or assessment ambition and provides authentic approaches to supporting these practices - all in under 2 minutes.

PebbleVision Channel


We hope the content here has sparked ideas on how you might approach some of your own learning, teaching and assessment challenges. Here at PebblePad, we're lucky to have a brilliant community of practitioners who have been innovating and implementing student-centred practices at scale long before the world had even heard of COVID-19. If you're finding your institution is having more than the occasional 'how on earth do we approach this?' moment, it's likely that we've already helped the PebblePad community blaze that trail, so don't hesitate to get in touch. You can use the form below to let us know more about how you think we can help.